Updated some of the NPC AI stuff. I have to think this out a bit better, but for now it’s okay. Essentially, I made it so the ship will detect the player when within range and will come after him. No firing or anything like that yet. It’s more like a stalker at this point.
There are some choppy glitches when certain movements happen with the player, so at some point I’ll need to tweak this junk.
I also set it up so anytime an NPC has left the visual range of the mini-map, their functions return. No point in taking up frame rates on shit that’s not visible in any way.
The player can now shoot the NPCs and make them go kaboom. w00t. GML makes stuff like this sooooo easy.
- Fixed up some of the AI stuff on the NPCs.
- Still not loving it, though. Will need to do a better design of this later.
- Collision detection is working and blow up NPCs, so that’s fun.
- If the NPC is not within range of the minimap display, it sits still in order to avoid unnecessary calculations.