The OOP is great in Godot, but some of the built-ins just aren’t there yet. For example, I was using the ParallaxBackground stuff and it’s awesomely simple to implement. I was so stoked that I may have done a little happy dance. Until…. It turned out that it doesn’t scroll on subpixel, which means the pixels flutter as you move. Now, if you set it so you only move at high enough speeds, that’s okay, but otherwise it looks cruddy. Worse, on an angle scroll it’s really rough because of the stepping.
So I coded up my own parallaxing stuff in order to make things smoother. That worked fine, but after running into other issues like this time and again, I finally gave up knowing that GameMaker 2 already had all this stuff built and ready to go.
Call me lazy if you want, but…yeah, actually, that’s accurate…I’m lazy. 🙂
- I reset the GM interface to feel more like Godot’s.
- I did this because Godot has a more modern feel by default.
- GM is kind of campy.
- The new layout looks and feels much more smooth to me.
- I also went through and refactored the layout of my directories and such in the code to make things all stick together.
- Player ship stuff is with player ship stuff, for example.